Access Access


Guidance for transportation

By car

Tomei expressway
Tomei expressway Tomei expressway
Shin-Tomei expressway
Shin-Tomei expressway Shin-Tomei expressway
Chuo expressway
Chuo expressway Chuo expressway
Chuo expressway Chuo expressway

By train

JR Shinkansen
JR Shinkansen JR Shinkansen
JR Tokaido line
JJR Tokaido line JR Tokaido line

Please be noted that Shinfuji station and Fuji station are not directly coonected.
In order to take a bus to Kyuka-mura, please go to the right side bus terminal after exit from the ticket gate at Fujinomiya station.

By bus (Fujikyu Shizuoka bus)

Highway bus (Yakisoba Express)
Highway bus (Yakisoba Express) Highway bus (Yakisoba Express)
Bus on regular route (to Kyuuka-mura)
Bus on regular route (to Kyuuka-mura) Bus on regular route (to Kyuuka-mura)

Guidance of bus and taxi in Fujinomiya-city

Fujikyu Shizuoka bus TEL 0544-26-8151
Yamakou town coach TEL 0544-27-0111
Ishikawa taxi TEL 0544-24-2222
Gakunan taxi TEL 0544-26-4114
Daiichi Kotsu TEL 0544-26-4111
Subashiri taxi (head office) TEL 0544-24-5666
Subashiri taxo (Shiraito office) TEL 0544-54-0119
Fujinomiya Kotsu TEL 0544-27-1234
Honda taxi TEL 0544-26-5113

Guidance for rental car

Toyota Renta-lease TEL 0544-26-0100
Nissan rent-a-car Shinfuji ekimae office TEL 0545-64-4123
\100yen rent-a-car at Fujinomiya office TEL 0544-27-9999
Niko-niko rent-a-car TEL 0544-22-5421
Car sta rent-a-car FUjinomiya office TEL 0120-871-881